Our Faux Leather Upholstery Fabric is the perfect choice for those looking for durable and aesthetically pleasing materials for upholstering furniture and car interiors. With a composition of 76% plasticised PVC and 24% polyesterit offers excellent mechanical properties, including anexcellent tensile strength and a significant elongation at break. Its standard width is 138-140cmallowing wide use for various upholstery projects. Sold by the half linear metre, this fabric allows customised purchases according to project requirements, from chairs and cushions to sofas and stools.
A soft and durablefabric suitable for all upholstery techniques. Used especially for chairs, cushions, armchairs, sofas, bags and stools.
Very high qualityartificial leather made in Italy.
Weight g/m² uni en 2286-2:2001 570 ± 50
thickness mm uni en 2286-3:2001 1,0 ± 0,1
height cm uni en 2286-1:2001 138 - 140
tensile strength n uni en iso 1421 method 1 longitud. 250 ± 50 transvers. 350 ± 50
elongation at break % uni en iso 1421 method 1 longitud. ≥ 55 transvers. ≥ 70
colour fastness to artificial light blue scale uni en iso 105 b02: 2004 ≥ 6
composition: plasticized p.v.c. 76% polyester 24%.
cleaning instructions: wipe with dampened and soapy cloth and rinse well with clean water. do not use solvents, bleaches and chemical cleaners or polishing sprays..you can wipe with a damp cloth (please do not use harsh detergents).
Wide range of colours with different shades you can integrate the material into any environment.
Price and quantity 1 refer to half a linear metre (0.50 x 140 cm). Example: if you buy 4 quantities you will receive a single cut of 2 x 140cm
If you purchase more than one metre you will only pay one shipment.